Protecting the PlanetHey there, I'm Emmy, a nature photographer dedicated to protecting ecosystems and leaving little to no impact on the environment.Unlike my unique photography where I capture the unseen beauty of our world, I make sure that when I'm out in the field exploring and making my pictures that my presence is left unseen and unfelt.To help assure me of this, I have completed training courses in essential and backcountry practices with Leave No Trace.
Graphic Art Photo Collages
A new experiment turning my photos into vector-like images and then playing with them. I have a background in graphic art and design and enjoy this kind of digital creativity. I find it relaxing and often an easier way for me to express a feeling or an idea.Â
Infrared image of redwoods in California's Redwood National & State Park.
the electromagnetic spectrum & Photography
About Light
Light and energy are emitted from our planet's star, the Sun, and arrives to the earth in waves. We can measure these waves on a spectrum called the electromagnetic spectrum. Think of a ruler. In somewhat the middle of that ruler is the band of light we can see, it is our visual light. The nearest light on one side of that middle band is called ultraviolet, and on the other side it is called infrared. Digital cameras have a filter in them which allow for only visible light to pass through. I had this filter removed on my camera, which allows for a full-spectrum of light from ultraviolet, visual, and infrared light to pass through. To create my pictures, I isolate the band of light that I want to work with. I use a physical filter on my camera's lens if I want to allow for only visual light, or infrared light. I don't need to use a filter if I'm capturing images in full-spectrum. My pictures are real, of real places and real light. Our unseen planet is truly extraordinary and it is my passion and my mission to share this visual story with you.Â